This Issue's Flock
Here are all the birds who have contributed to this issue.
Jerome BerglundJerome Berglund is the one stocking little free libraries in Minneapolis with Marx and Engels. In his spare time he conducts disorderly orchestras.
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L.M. ColeL.M. Cole is a poet and artist from North Dakota who now resides in North Carolina. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming with Roi Fainéant, JAKE, Bullshit Lit, The Bitchin' Kitsch and others. She is a poetry reader for Moss Puppy Magazine, editor of Bulb Culture Collective and her debut poetry chapbook, SALT MOUTH MOSS QUEEN is slated for publication October 2022 with Alien Buddha Press. Check out her lit mag, the Bulb Culture Collective!
Tinamarie CoxTinamarie Cox lives in Northern Arizona with her husband and two children. She writes to escape her mind and explore the universe. She's not exceptionally interesting but you can follow her on Instagram @tinamariethinkstoomuch
Will DavisWill Davis scribbles small things in a poetic manner amongst the bluegrass. Recent chapbook 'Starter, Opening Prayer' with Alien Buddha Press. Further scribbles @ByThisWillAlone.
John FinneganJohn Finnegan (they/them) is a student of English literature at Chapman University. They have a pension for anything chaotic, queer, or leftist (preferably a combination of the three). You can find them on Twitter @FinneyFlame or on Instagram @JWFinnegan.
Nolcha FoxWhen Nolcha isn't walking with wild turkeys, she writes her little brains out. Her poems have been published in Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Alien Buddha Zine, Medusa’s Kitchen, and others. Her three chapbooks are available on Amazon. Nominee for 2023 Best of The Net. Editor for Kiss My Poetry and for Open Arts Forum. Accidental interviewer. Faker of fake news.
Website: “My Father’s Ghost Hates Cats” “The Big Unda” “How to Get Me Up in the Morning" |
Ashwini GangalAshwini is a 36-year-old clinical psychologist by training, media journalist by profession, and storyteller at heart. Ashwini is based in Mumbai, India. She is passionate about mental health, especially anxiety and depression. She quit her fulltime job as managing editor of a business daily to pursue fiction writing and poetry.
Alexandre HarrisonAlexandre Harrison is mysterious, unknowable, and can be found writing among the birds.
Maddie HolmMaddie Holm is a 25-year-old graduate student living in New Mexico. Beginning her adventures in writing with short stories about a child detective who solved mysteries, Maddie has been writing since she was in elementary school. She is currently studying counseling for her master's program and takes an interest in the intensity and impact of emotions, which she frequently writes about in her poetry and short stories. Utilizing writing as a coping skill, she finds comfort in creating evocative pieces that include beautiful language and imagery. Maddie's favorite bird is a flamingo, and she would like you to know that they are, in fact, not born pink, but white.
Lucy JayesLucy has fostered a love of writing since she was old enough to hold a pen. Her work has been published in Vast Chasm, Cardinal Sins, Deep Overstock, and the Big Windows Review. She is a second-year MFA student at the University of Kentucky.
Ian LaxIan Lax is an emerging writer and lover of confessional poetry.
Dorothy LuneDorothy Lune is a Yorta Yorta poet, born in Australia. Her work has appeared in Pinhole Poetry, Pink plastic house, Olit, Ice lolly review, & more. She is compiling a manuscript entitled Lady Bug.
Sadie MaskerySadie Maskery lives in Scotland by the sea. Her first chapbook, Push, is published by Erbacce Press and she can be found on Twitter as @saccharinequeen. Her collection 'Shouting at Crows' (ISBN 9798358354890) will be available from Alien Buddha Press later in the year.
Mona MehasMona Mehas (she/her) writes about growing up poor, accumulating grief, and climate change. A retired, disabled teacher in Indiana, USA, she’s at her laptop most days with two old cats as chaperones. Previously, Mona used the pseudonym Patience Young. She’s published in Moments Between, Backwards Trajectory, Loft Books, Last Stanza Poetry Journal, and others. During the early pandemic, she watched every Star Trek show and movie in chronological order and many online concerts.
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Abby MoellerAbby Moeller is a writer based in WNY who explores her writing in forms varying from poetry to dramatic monologues to epic fantasy stories. Currently, she lives with her growing zoo of pets and endlessly teetering piles of books. She can be found rambling on Twitter at @abbym823.
Serena PiccoliSerena Piccoli (she/her) is an Italian poet, photographer and playwright. Her poems and photos have been featured in magazines and galleries worldwide. Her latest book of poetry gulp\gasp was published by Moria Poetry (USA) in September 2022. Both her poems and her photos are about social political issues. |
Kushal PoddarAn author, journalist and a father, Kushal Poddar, editor of 'Words Surfacing’, authored eight books, the latest being 'Postmarked Quarantine'. His works have been translated into eleven languages and can be found here.
Bianca RivettiBianca is an up and coming artist whose bio can only be guessed at and whose name is only spoken in whispers.
Beatriz SeelaenderBeatriz Seelaender is a Brazilian author from São Paulo. Her fiction has appeared in Cagibi, AZURE, Psychopomp, among many others, and essays can be found at websites such as The Collapsar and Guesthouse. Her novellas have earned her both the Sandy Run and the Bottom Drawer Prizes. Seelaender’s poetry has been published by Inflections Magazine, VERSION [9], etc. “Canon Familiaris”, a chapbook in which she turns canonical poems into poems about her shih tzu, Uli, will be released by Really Serious Literature in 2023.
Bud SturguessBud Sturguess was born in 1986 in the small cotton-and-oil town of Seminole, Texas. He now lives in his "adopted hometown," Amarillo. Sturguess has self-published several books, his latest being the novel Sick Things. His work appears online at New Pop Lit, Erato, and The Agape Review, as well as in the print anthologies Mid/South from Belle Point Press, and The Daily Drunk's From Parts Unknown. He lives on disability benefits and collects neckties. Bud's favorite bird and Batman villain is the penguin.
Fee ThomasFee Thomas is a poet, photographer and activist from Minneapolis, Minnesota. She has published two books “Owning the Color Blue” published by Claire Songbirds Publishing House and “Dreams Never Die” published by Corby Books. She has also been published in many anthologies and articles. Fee loves to be outdoors and being with family.
Moira WalshMichigan-born Moira Walsh makes her home in southern Germany and translates for a living. Her poems can be found in Bennington Review, Denver Quarterly, Poetry Northwest, Stanchion, Storm Cellar, and other fine places. She has one Pushcart Prize nomination and no university degree. Read more at